The tennis racquets and golf clubs may still be in use, the boat remains in the water and the garden continues to bloom, but the paddle season is fast approaching! With that in mind, this newsletter is an attempt to foster better communication between the club’s Board of Directors and you, the membership. So, here we go ….

Board of Directors: At the annual meeting of shareholders (held in May, 2024), the following members were elected to serve on The Board of Directors for a term of one year: Kristi Poehlmann (president); John Morgan (vice-president); John DeMarsilis (treasurer); Jamey Burns (secretary); Karen Bachand; Angela Halperin.

Unfortunately, due to other personal commitments, John DeMarsilis has since had to resign his position. As provided for in the club’s By-Laws, the Board may fill any such vacancy with a member of their choosing until the next meeting of the shareholders. Subsequently, the Board has recruited Ginny Denvir to fill the position of treasurer. In addition, Pamelia Parker will be joining the Board to fill another vacancy which went unfilled in May.

Invoices and Other Administrative News: Kristi will be addressing 2024-25 season invoices, a new committee structure and several other administrative topics in her president’s letter. So, be on the lookout for that soon.

Opening Day: Mark your calendars! Opening Day festivities are slated for Sunday, October 6th. Ginny Denvir and Karen Bachand have graciously offered to take responsibility for planning this event. Look for more details from them as we get closer to October. Suffice it to say, there will be food and some fun paddle!

Work Day: Another date to save is September 7th. John Chatillon will be organizing a work party at the courts for that day; the rain date is Sunday, October 8th. The major focus for the day will be painting: the snowboards on all four courts need to be scraped, sanded and stained; the new sections of skirting need to be painted. We hope you will step up when John comes calling for volunteers.

Trash: The club contracts with All-Waste Inc. to empty garbage from the containers in the parking lot. Unfortunately, the trash in the containers on the spectator deck needs help getting to those containers. If you see one of them is full, please take the initiative to empty them. This is particularly relevant on Tuesday evenings as the trash is picked up on Wednesday mornings.

Volunteers: As we hope everyone knows, the club has no paid staff; we rely completely on the efforts of volunteers to make this place go. With that in mind, the Board hopes you will consider helping out this season in some area of interest or expertise.

Speaking of volunteers …. Connie Brown has assumed responsibility for cleaning the warming hut on a regular basis. She will be recruiting a team; if you would like to help out, please contact her.  And, have you ever wondered how the lawn gets maintained? Well, you can thank Kris Cole for putting his lawn mower in the back of his truck and periodically grooming the grounds.

Receiving this newsletter: If you are receiving this newsletter and have no intention of renewing your membership for the upcoming season, please let me know ([email protected]) and I will remove you from the distribution list.

Next Issue: In the next installment of this newsletter, I hope to fill you in on the new paddle offerings from Master-Athletics.

‘til next time,

Jamey Burns (on behalf of the Board of Directors)